Wesley Chapel Roadway Connection Study
Pasco County has posted a 450-page traffic study regarding the connection of Wesley Chapel roadways to those in New Tampa.
To view the study, click here: http://www.pascocountyfl.net/DocumentCenter/View/42169/Wesley-Chapel-Roadway-Connection-Study-Draft-Report
The study has to do with several connections being considered between KBar Ranch, Meadow Pointe, and the widening of Bruce B Downs, and other future connection points.
To view our previous story on the same topic, check out these:
Could legal action force a connection Pasco and Hillsborough (Kinnan Rd to Mansfield Blvd)?
Group of Meadow Pointe Residents Oppose 7/11 being built in Meadow Pointe Community
New Roadways planned to connect Wesley Chapel and New Tampa
Pasco County MPO will provide a brief introduction, followed by a condensed version of the report that hits on the major points, and public comment session on Tuesday, May 29, from 6-8 p.m. at at Pasco-Hernando State College, Room B-303 (Wesley Chapel Campus).